Category: South America

Travel Inspiration: Colombia. The Next Undiscovered Frontier.

Travel Inspiration: Colombia. The Next Undiscovered Frontier.

Welcome to Colombia, crowning the northern coast of South America between Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru. Colombia is the next undiscovered frontier. Hardly surprising; her history stretches back far, far before the conquistadors (think 10,000 B.C.). Colonial remnants tell much of the story. And the dynamic city of Medellín has recently morphed into one of the [...]
Travel Inspiration: Chile. South America’s Spine

Travel Inspiration: Chile. South America’s Spine

Discover the many faces of Chile—from its Andean peaks, its vibrant cities, its dramatic desert, and its Patagonian wonderland—icebergs, glaciers, guanacos, and all. During R. Crusoe's 14-day customizable Chile. South America's Spine travel itinerary, we explore Santiago, Viña del Mar, San Pedro de Atacama, and Torres del Paine. Begin in Santiago, Chile’s capital city and [...]
Travel Inspiration: Argentina and Brazil, Soul of South America

Travel Inspiration: Argentina and Brazil, Soul of South America

During R. Crusoe's 13-day customizable Argentina & Brazil: Soul of South America travel itinerary, we explore Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Iguazú Falls, & Rio de Janeiro. Begin in Buenos Aires, Paris of the South, founded on the Rio de la Plata in 1536 by Spanish explorer Pedro de Mendoza. The settlement was located in what is [...]
Travel Inspiration: Perusing Peru

Travel Inspiration: Perusing Peru

The Inca—master masons, worshippers of the sun, and rulers of Peru. That is, until one particularly heady conquistador rode into town and single-handedly wiped out an entire civilization. Today Peru, gentle South American republic, is a mix of ancient temples and Spanish colonialism. Except in Machu Picchu, where for four centuries or so Inca—and Inca [...]